Home Page Insecticides 




Super Dolan   Soluble Concentrate Liquid  




*Pesticides Properties :



Non-systemic, contact and stomach insecticide combining the properties and effectiveness of two active ingredients against a wide range of piercing-sucking and chewing insects that infest vegetables, field crops, fruit trees, forests, and ornamental plants. It also has high efficacy against mites and has a specific effect on ground ants in agricultural land.



*Composition and Active Ingredient Ratio:



Alphacypermethrin 50 g/L, Chlorpyrifos ethyl 500 g/L (weight/volume).



*Chemical Group:



Pyrethroid - Organophosphorus compounds.



*Mode of Action:



The effective shock action of Alphacypermethrin eliminates piercing-sucking insects, while Chlorpyrifos acts on the chewing type of insects through its effective action via the digestive system and contact, as well as through vapor action. It is a fast-acting compound with immediate and shock effects against insects.



*Target Pests:



It is used to control corn borers, green worms, grain worms, grain mites, green peach aphids, apple maggots, cabbage worms, peas, potato and sugar beet rootworms, some flea beetles and weevils, various caterpillars, and many beetles and weevils.






The insecticide does not cause phytotoxicity and is tolerated by all crops mentioned in this leaflet under recommended conditions and usage rates.



*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, and Fish:



Toxic to birds, bees, and fish.



*Toxicity Classification According to WHO Standards:



Moderate toxicity (WHO Class II).






Compatible with most fungicides except alkaline compounds such as Bordeaux mixture and lime sulfur.






The pesticide should be tested on these plants on a limited basis before starting widespread spraying. Pre-harvest interval: 14-21 days.







Usage rate


Apples, pears


and peache



Apple fruit worm


Spiders - Peach fruit worm


Cotton bollworm and Psylla


50 to 75 cm³ per 100 liters of water

Sugar beets






Beet leafhopper


0.75 liter per hectare


0.75 to 1 liter per hectare


0.75 - 1 liter per hectare


Colorado potato beetle and aphids

0.75 liter per hectare


Aphids and whiteflies

0.75 - 1 liter per hectare


Cotton leafworm, almond worms, and aphids

150 - 250 cm³ per 100 liters of water


Grape fruit worm

50 - 75 cm³ per 100 liters of water


Olive moth and scale insects

50 - 75 cm³ per 100 liters of water

Ornamental plants

Piercing-sucking insects

50 - 75 cm³ per 100 liters of water



Leafworms, cabbage moth


Spiders, melon fly, Leaf miners


Thrips, aphids, and onion fly


0.75 - 1 liter per hectare


1 liter per hectare or


50 - 75 cm³ per 100 liters of water






Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES