Home Page Herbicides 




Topac  240 liquid concentrate emulsifiable concentrate



*Pesticide properties :



Topac is a selective herbicide primarily used to control narrow and broadleaf weeds exclusively in wheat fields. It has a safety factor within its composition, causing no sensitization or damage to wheat crops. Its effect is rapid and strong due to the potency of the herbicide. Because of its good penetration through the weeds' leaves, it completely stops the targeted weed's growth. The speed of the herbicide's action depends on various factors, including the type of targeted weed and its sensitivity to herbicides.



*Composition and Active Ingredient Ratio:



Clopyralid propargyl 240 g/L (weight/volume).



*Safety Factor:



Cloquintocet-mexyl 60 g/L.



*Weather Conditions During Application:



For optimal effectiveness of this herbicide, the following points should be considered:

-Avoid spraying when rain is expected immediately after application.

-Ensure thorough and continuous agitation when mixing the herbicide with water, and the water should be completely clean.

-Spray after the targeted weeds have entered the growth stage.

-Spray when the weather is warm.






Topac 240 herbicide cannot be mixed with herbicides containing 2,4-D compounds and MCPA compounds.

for controlling both narrow and broadleaf weeds in wheat fields:

Topac 240 herbicide can be mixed with herbicides containing trisulfuron compounds and bromoxynil compounds.

A narrow-range mixing trial must be conducted before generalizing it to the field level.



*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, and Fish:



Non-toxic to birds and bees, toxic to fish.



*Toxicity Classification According to World Health Organization Standards:



Slightly toxic (WHO Class III).



*Local Recommendation:



240 ml/ha for controlling narrow weeds in wheat fields from the three-leaf stage to the elongation stage.






The herbicide does not cause phytotoxicity to wheat crops under recommended conditions, usage rates, and timings, from the beginning of the fourth leaf stage to the elongation stage.






The harmful weeds with narrow leaves

The usage rates in milliliters per hectare

The usage guidelines for various growth stages of wheat


420 ml

From the three-leaf stage until the end of tillering.


200 ml

From the three-leaf stage until the first node stage.

Yellow Foxtail

420 ml

From the three-leaf stage until the fourth leaf stage.

Sorghum halepense

325 ml

From the three-leaf stage until mid-tillering stage.

Redroot Pigweed

325 ml

From the three-leaf stage until the fourth leaf stage.


180 ml

From the three-leaf stage until the elongation stage.

Wild oats

225 ml

From the three-leaf stage until the elongation stage.

Phalaris Paradoxa

325 ml

From the three-leaf stage until mid-tillering stage.






Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES