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Remont Super  69 Water Emulsifiable Concentrate




*Pesticide Properties:



A highly effective systemic herbicide targeting primarily narrow-leaved weeds. It is also used to control various weeds such as oats and falaris.



*Composition and Active Ingredient Ratio:



Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl 69 g/L. Mefenpyr -diethyl Safener 75 g/L.



*Chemical Group:



Aryl Oxy phenoxy propionate .






Tolerated well by all crops when applied according to recommended rates.



*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, and Fish:



Non-toxic to bees and birds, toxic to fish.



*Toxicity Classification According to WHO Standards:



(WHO class III+) unlikely to cause any poisoning within recommended usage rates.






Compatible with most insecticides and fungicides except local hormonal ones.



*Pre-Harvest Interval:



Crops should not be harvested within 6 weeks after the last treatment.






Avoid spraying barley once it has passed the elongation stage and refrain from spraying in cases of nighttime temperatures below 5°C or daytime temperatures exceeding 25°C.







Usage rate per liter / hectare

Wheat and Barley

Oat (Avena Satira)


Windgrass (Apera Spica-Venti)


Canary Grass (Phalaris Paradoxa)


Blackgrass (Alopecurus Myosoiredes)


Foxtail (Setaria Sp)


Yellow Foxtail (Setaria glauca)







Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES