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Super Kiet 108 Liquid Concentrate Emulsifiable Concentrate
*Pesticide Properties :
Super Kiet is a systemic selective herbicide used after the germination of annual and perennial grassy weeds under fruit trees such as citrus and vineyards, forest trees, and a wide range of broadleaf crops like sugar beet and lentils.
*Composition and active ingredient ratio:
Haloxyfop-P-methyl 108 g/L.
It does not harm broadleaf crops.
*Toxicity to bees, birds, and fish:
Slightly toxic to bees, birds, and fish.
*Toxicity Classification According to WHO Standards:
(WHO Class III+), indicating unlikely toxicity within recommended usage rates.
Compatible with most broadleaf herbicides.
*Pre-harvest interval:
25 days before harvest.
*Mode of action:
It has an excellent effect on annual, perennial, and grassy weeds, primarily affecting meristematic tissues. It is rapidly absorbed by the plant cuticle, quickly moving to the roots' tips and rhizomes, providing long-term control of perennial weeds due to its prolonged effect. After application, root and shoot growth stops, yellow spots devoid of chlorophyll appear, then spread across all plants. The plant wilts, its tissues dry out, and they turn red due to the presence of anthocyanins. Super Kiet effectiveness is high when sprayed on young and actively growing weeds, while mature weeds usually require increased application rates.
Annual Grass Weeds
The grass to be controlled |
The usage rates |
Timing of use |
Barley (fallen) |
0.5 liters per hectare |
Spray until the 4-leaf stage. |
Stary (foxtail)
Oats (fallen)
0.6 liters per hectare |
From the two-leaf stage until full tillering, ensuring grass height does not exceed 15 cm. |
Falaris , Digitaria |
0.6 liters per hectare |
For optimal results, spray at the 2-4 leaf stage, with good results achievable up to full tillering. |
Perennial Grass Weeds
The grass to be controlled |
The usage rates |
Timing of use |
Resin (halian) |
1.25 liters per hectare |
When grass height is 10-20 cm, re-spray spots that may appear after control, when grass height is 15-20 cm. |
Johnson grass |
1.75 liters per hectare |
When grass height is 10-15 cm, re-spray if weeds reappear. |
Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES