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Grand Up 480 water-soluble concentrate
*Pesticide Properties :
Grand Up is a systemic herbicide sprayed on leaves to control broadleaf and grassy weeds, both perennial and annual, including weeds like ryegrass, brome, cocklebur, sorghum, and aquatic plants.
*Composition and Active Ingredient:
480 g/L of isopropylamine salt equivalent to 360 g/L glyphosate.
Tolerated by all crops, forms a good bond according to recommended usage rates.
*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, Fish:
Low toxicity to birds, fish, invertebrates, and bees.
*Toxicity Classification according to WHO Standards:
(WHO Class III +), unlikely to cause toxicity within recommended usage rates.
Can be sprayed alone or mixed with ammonium sulfate or an adhesive and spreading agent to enhance effectiveness on some weeds.
Avoid spraying desirable plants as they may be damaged.
Do not till the soil for at least 7 days before spraying.
Weeds should not be mowed or hoed before spraying.
Do not mix Grand UP with other chemicals.
Do not spray weeds if irrigation or rain is expected within 6 hours.
Use a protective shield to prevent crop contamination from spray drift. Take care to prevent spray from reaching the leaves or lower branches of trees.
Avoid spraying near young fruit trees under 3 years old.
The effectiveness of the herbicide increases with higher humidity, and temperatures should be between 22°C to 32°C.
*Mode of Action:
Grand UP is a systemic herbicide absorbed through the leaves, rapidly distributed within the plant. Its effectiveness ceases upon contact with the soil.
*Spraying Timing:
For annual weeds: The target weeds should be in their peak growth phase.
For perennial weeds: Before flowering or directly at flowering.
*Areas of Application:
After planting: Before crop emergence.
Before grain harvest: After crops have ceased growth.
After harvest: Directed spraying under fruit trees.
*Used around citrus, grapes, almonds, apples, olives, and in non-agricultural areas like oil refineries, railways, road edges.
*Usage Rates in Agricultural Lands:
Perennial weed control: 2 - 6 liters per hectare.
Annual weed control: 2 - 6 liters per hectare.
Spray volume: 150 - 250 liters per hectare.
*Spraying Devices:
Traditional backpack sprayers, boom sprayers, and those specifically designed for herbicides.
*Pre-harvest Uses:
Can be used to control weeds before harvesting wheat and barley after the crop has ceased growth. Grain moisture should not exceed 30% during treatment, and spraying should be done 7 - 14 days before harvest.
*Post-harvest Uses:
Applied to wheat, barley, and corn crops according to the harvest time. Effective for controlling predatory weeds and volunteer wheat, barley, and potato plants.
*Under and Around Fruit Trees and Grapes:
Used at a rate of 8 - 12 liters per hectare for perennial weed control.
Used at a rate of 2 - 6 liters per hectare for annual weed control.
Spray volume should be between 200 - 400 liters per hectare.
*Aquatic Weeds:
Used at a rate of 3 - 10 liters per hectare.
*Appearance of Results on Weeds:
Control results on annual weeds appear within 1 - 2 weeks after spraying, while on perennial weeds, it takes 2 - 4 weeks.
*Phytotoxicity and Impact on Successive Crops:
Care should be taken to avoid spray drift onto adjacent crops. It degrades rapidly in the soil by soil bacteria, hence it does not affect successive crops.
*Persistence in Soil:
Persistence period ranges from 1 - 130 days depending on climatic conditions.
Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES