Home Page Fungicides 




Peace Man  400 Suspension Concentrate



*Pesticide Properties :



A fungicidal specialized in combating early and late blights and powdery mildew on fruit trees, vegetables, and grapes.



*Composition and Active Ingredient Ratio:



Cyazofamid 400 g/L.






The pesticide does not cause phytotoxicity and is tolerated by all mentioned crops under recommended conditions and rates of use.



*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, and Fish:



It is slightly toxic to bees, toxic to birds, and slightly toxic to fish.



*Toxicity Classification according to WHO Standards:



(+ WHO Class III) It is unlikely to cause any poisoning within the recommended rates of use.



*Compatibility :



Compatible with insecticides and spray oils; however, it is recommended to conduct a narrow-scale test before extensive use.



*Plant Toxicity:



It does not exhibit any plant toxicity.



*Harvest Safety Period:



Harvest can be done after 7 days of spraying for most crops.



*Mode of Action:



It works by halting respiration at the third complex site in mitochondria, representing a new mode of action different from other fungicides. It has a strong effect on blights, powdery mildew, and Pythium fungi, affecting the fungus throughout all stages of development.



*Pesticide Features:



It has the ability to resist washing off by rainwater even if it rains during or after spraying within 15 minutes. It protects tubers from blight diseases, is compatible with integrated pest management programs as it is safe for beneficial insects, and combats resistant strains that have developed immunity to other pesticides.



*Local Approval:



For powdery mildew on cucumbers (curative), 200 ml/hectare.








The usage rate





Bell peppers

Late blight


Early blight

200 milliliters per hectare


Powdery mildew

200 milliliters per hectare






Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES