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Galstar  73 Wettable Powder                                                                                               




*Pesticide Properties:



Galstar is a systemic fungicide with contact action used to control diseases such as powdery mildew, early and late blight, and other diseases affecting a wide range of crops. It is rapidly absorbed by the stem and leaves within 4-5 hours.



*Composition and Active Ingredient Ratio:



Benalaxyl 80 grams/kg, Mankozeb 650 grams/kg.



*Toxicity classification according to World Health Organization standards:



(+ WHO Class III), unlikely to cause any poisoning within the recommended usage rates.






The pesticide does not cause phytotoxicity and is tolerated by all crops mentioned in this bulletin under recommended conditions and rates of use.



*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, and Fish:



Non-toxic to bees, relatively non-toxic to birds, and moderately toxic to fish.






Compatible with most insecticides, fungicides, and acaricides except for alkaline ones, with preliminary mixing trials recommended.



*Pre-Harvest Interval:



27 days before harvest for all crops.







Usage rate

Local Dependence



Early Blight - Alternaria sp.


Late Blight - Phytophthora sp.

3.5 kg/hectare

Tomatoes - Eggplants - Peppers

Early Blight - Alternaria sp.


Late Blight - Phytophthora sp.

5 kg/hectare


3.5 kg/hectare


Downy Mildew - Plasmopara sp.

350 g/100 liters of water

Legumes - Apricots


Winter Spray    


Leaf Curl - Taphrina sp.


Summer Spray     



800 g/100 liters of water



400 g/100 liters of water

Peaches - Cherries


 Winter Spray   


Monilinia Blight - Monilinia sp.



600 g/100 liters of water






Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES