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Baydon  250 Concentrated liquid soluble                                                                           




*Pesticide properties:



Baydon is a fungicide effective against powdery mildew, rust, and various other diseases affecting fruit trees, field crops (grains, vegetables), and grapes. Its excellent systemic properties ensure a sustained effect against disease infection on apple shoots.



*Composition and active ingredient ratio:



Triadimefon 250 g/L (weight/volume).






The pesticide does not cause phytotoxicity and is tolerated by all crops mentioned in this brochure under recommended conditions and usage rates.



*Toxicity to bees, birds, and fish:



Toxic to fish, slightly toxic to birds, and non-toxic to bees.



*Toxicity classification according to World Health Organization standards:



Moderately toxic (WHO Class II).






Compatible with most insecticides and fungicides except alkaline ones.



*Harvest safety period:



3 days for cucurbits, 7 days for apples and grapes.



*Note: Do not use more than 20 cm³ of the pesticide per hectare when spraying apple trees.







Usage rate


For controlling powdery mildew

2-4 cm³/20 liters of water for open field and protected crops.


For controlling powdery mildew and rust

0.5 liters per hectare.

Fruit trees

For controlling powdery mildew and rust

4-8 cm³/20 liters of water.

Grapes and ornamental plants

For controlling powdery mildew

4-8 cm³/20 liters of water.


For controlling powdery mildew

2-4 cm³/20 liters of water






Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES