Home Page Fungicides 




Domino  100 Concentrated liquid soluble                                                                           




*Pesticide Properties :



Systemic, preventive, and curative fungicide used to control powdery mildew and rust diseases on vegetables, fruit trees, tobacco, and ornamental plants.



*Composition and active ingredient ratio:



Benconazole 100 g/L.






Tolerated by all crops within recommended usage rates.



*Toxicity to bees, birds, and fish:



Toxic to fish, non-toxic to birds and bees.



*Toxicity classification according to World Health Organization standards :



Slightly toxic (WHO Class III).






Mixable with most insecticides and fungicides except alkaline and sulfur-based ones.



*Harvest safety period:



Tobacco, vine, apple trees: 14 days - Cucumber: 3 days. Tomato, beans, peas, peppers, almonds: 7 days.



*Mode of action:



Fungicide combating brown rot on vineyards, strawberries, vegetables, and peas, as well as scab and Alternaria leaf spot on apples and pears.








The usage rate is given in

 milliliters per 100 liters of water

The interval between the two sprays varies

Tomato - Cucumber - Peas

Powdery mildew

20 - 25 ml

2 weeks

Beans - Bell pepper


 Powdery mildew

100 ml

1 week


Powdery mildew

25 ml

2 weeks


Powdery mildew


25 ml

 50 ml

1 week - 2 weeks


Powdery mildew


50 - 60 ml

1 week - 2 weeks


Powdery mildew

 Leaf spot

30 ml

 50 ml

2 weeks


Powdery mildew

25 - 50 ml

2 weeks

Ornamental plants

Powdery mildew


25 ml

 100 ml

2 weeks


Powdery mildew

50 ml

2 weeks






Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES