Home Page Fungicides 




Scalin  400 Suspension Concentrate                                                                     




* Pesticide Properties :



It is a contact and systemic fungicide that combats gray mold disease on grapes, strawberries, vegetables, and peas. It is included in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs.



* Composition and active ingredient ratio:



Pyrimethanil 400 g/L.



* Phytotoxicity:



The pesticide does not cause phytotoxicity and is tolerated by all the crops mentioned in this leaflet under the recommended conditions and usage rates.



* Toxicity to bees, birds, and fish:



Moderately toxic to fish, and mildly to moderately toxic to birds and bees.



* Toxicity classification according to World Health Organization standards :



(+ WHO class III) Unlikely to cause any toxicity within the recommended usage rates.



*Compatibility :



Mixable with most insecticides and fungicides except for alkaline and sulfur-based ones.



* Mode of action:



It is a contact and systemic fungicide with preventive and curative effects. It interferes by inhibiting the secretion of the enzyme necessary for infection and inhibits the germination of fungal spores. It penetrates the leaf surface and moves inside the plant tissues.



* Usage rates:



The pesticide is used on the crops listed below according to the following usage program :


For combating Botrytis - gray mold: Botrytis cinerea.



* Local reliance:



For combating gray mold on tomatoes at a rate of 100 ml / 100 liters of water.






Application rate

Spray solution liters per hectare

Pre-harvest interval


2 - 2.5 liters per hectare

800 - 1400

21 days


2 liters per hectare

400 - 1000

3 days

Open-field vegetables:

 Tomatoes, beans, peas

1.5 - 2 liters per hectare

600 - 1500

3 days

Plastic greenhouse vegetables:

 Tomatoes, cucumbers

150 milliliters per 100 liters of water


3 days








Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES