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Agri Spiro   60 wettable powder                                                                                                                                               




*Pesticide Properties:



It is a non-systemic fungicide with a preventive effect for seed treatment against a wide range of diseases affecting agricultural crops. It is suitable for seed treatment of grains (wheat, barley), corn, potatoes, and vegetables.



*Composition and active ingredient ratio:



Mancozeb 600 g/kg.






When used at recommended rates in the leaflet, no phytotoxicity appears.



*Toxicity to bees, birds, and fish:



Toxic to fish, non-toxic to bees and birds.



*Toxicity classification according to World Health Organization standards:



(+ WHO class III) It is unlikely to cause any harm within the recommended rates of use.






Mixable with commonly used insecticidal seed dressings.






Mix until all seeds are colored red.



*Local approval:



For wheat seed treatment against covered smut, the rate of use is 2 kg/ton.



*Pesticide features:



Red color gives it the ability to distinguish treated seeds.


High effectiveness against a wide range of seed diseases.


Does not affect seed germination and growth, but strengthens plant growth and increases productivity.


Safe for humans and mammals, especially.








Rate of use

Wheat and barley

Covered smut Wilt and spotting

2 kg / 1 ton of seeds


Loose smut, wilt, and leaf blotch

3 kg / 1 ton of seeds


Wilt and root rot

400 - 800 g per 100 kg of seeds


Black scurf and potato scab

1 kg / 200 liters per ton of seed


Wilt diseases and Rhizoctonia

800 g per 100 kg of seeds






Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES