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Rodex Fort  250 SC suspension concentrate                                                                         




*Pesticide Properties:



A systemic fungicide that is effective, preventative, and curative in controlling a wide range of fungal diseases on vegetables, crops, and fruit trees. It rapidly degrades, making it environmentally safe, and is used in IPM programs. It works to prevent spore germination and mycelium growth.



*Composition and Active Ingredient Ratio:



Azoxystrobin 250 g/L (weight/volume).






The pesticide does not cause phytotoxicity and is tolerated by all crops mentioned in this bulletin under recommended conditions and rates of use.



*Toxicity Classification according to World Health Organization Standards:



(+ WHO Class III), unlikely to cause any poisoning within the recommended usage rates.



*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, and Fish:



Non-toxic to bees, slightly toxic to birds, and toxic to fish.






Compatible with most insecticides and fungicides, except for alkaline ones.



*Pre-Harvest Interval:



Grain crops: 35-40 days. Vegetables: one day. Grapes, potatoes, and fruit trees: two weeks.








Application rates

Local Reliance

Late blight on potatoes

1 liter per hectare


Powdery mildew

800 milliliters per hectare

Tomato, Potato

Early blight - Late blight

50 - 100 milliliters per 100 liters of water

Cucumber, Zucchini, Watermelon (red-yellow), Squash

Powdery mildew - Cucumber in greenhouses

50 - 80 milliliters per 100 liters of water, 75 milliliters per 100 liters of water


Powdery mildew

0.5 - 0.75 liter per hectare


Leaf spot (Helminthosporium)

800 milliliters per hectare


Powdery mildew - Alternaria

0.8 - 1 liter per hectare






Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES