Nematopes  200 Emulsifiable Concentrate




* Pesticide properties :



Nematopes is a modern nematicide that affects the nervous system of targeted pests by inhibiting the active transfer of acetylcholinesterase in both root-knot nematodes and root-lesion nematodes. It also targets root-knot nematodes, root-lesion nematodes, root gall nematodes, and free-living nematodes, demonstrating strong effectiveness and increased production.



*It combines strong effectiveness with good environmental compatibility to minimize the impact on non-target organisms.



*Nematopes provides good and stable control of cysts, root knots, root pests, and free-living nematodes in plants, exhibiting effective control in soil and growing media.



*Control activities of Nematopes remain unaffected by soil types, soil acidity, and temperature.



*It is applied at relatively lower rates compared to other soil insecticides.



*It is the most environmentally effective nematicide, providing reliable and cost-effective control of plant-parasitic nematodes with good residual effects leading to high yields and quality.



*It is an organophosphate compound with low breakdown that controls all plant-parasitic nematodes in ornamental plants with minimal impact on non-target organisms in the soil.



*Nematopes ensures no harm to the root system, thus enhancing plant strength.



*It reduces the risk of secondary infection from other pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses.



*It ensures increased efficiency of water use and nutrient absorption, reducing irrigation and fertilization costs.



*It enhances plants' ability to resist stress conditions resulting from biological and environmental factors such as crises and nutrient deficiencies, among others.


*The targeted pests are:


1- Root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita)


2- Root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus penetrans)


3- Spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus spp)


4- Stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus spp)


5- Stubby nematode (Trichodorus spp)


6- Sting nematode (Belonalamus spp)



*Composition and active ingredient ratio:



Flonicamid 200 g/L.



*Toxicity classification according to WHO standards:



Moderate toxicity (WHO Class II).



*Toxicity to bees, birds, and fish:



Toxic to birds, bees, and fish.



*Plant toxicity:



Tolerated well by all crops at recommended rates of use.



*It is used on tomatoes and vegetables before and after planting at a rate of: 15 liters per hectare.



*Compatibility :



Not compatible with other pesticides.



*Mode of action:



It affects the mobile larval stages of root-knot nematodes in the soil or growing media, preventing them from invading crop roots.


It inhibits the activity of cholinesterase in the root-knot nematodes.


Prolonged exposure prevents further damage to the roots and leads to nematode death.


A single application is sufficient, suitable for use in all types of soil.





Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES