Kartex 20 (ULV) Liquid
*Pesticide Properties:
Kartex is a non-systemic broad-spectrum insecticide from the pyrethroid compounds, characterized by its contact and stomach effects. It eliminates both soil-dwelling and sucking insects that attack field crops and trees. It combats pests like the Sunn pest, grasshoppers, and desert locusts. It is specialized for aerial and ground fogging applications.
*Composition and Active Ingredient Ratio:
Lambdacyhalothrin: 20 g/L (weight/volume).
*Chemical Group:
Pyrethroid compounds.
The lethal dose LD50 for rats orally: 56 mg/kg. Dermal LD50: 632 - 969 mg/kg.
No phytotoxic symptoms have been observed at recommended rates.
*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, and Fish:
Low toxicity to birds, toxic to fish and bees.
*WHO Toxicity Classification:
Highly toxic (WHO Class Ib).
*Compatibility :
Applied individually
*Pre-Harvest Interval :
The crop can be harvested immediately after application.
*Recommended Usage Rate:
Locally approved for the Sunn pest at a rate of 750 mL/hectare. Also used for desert locusts at a rate of 1 liter/hectare.
Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES