Kartex  50 a soluble concentrate liquid


*Properties of the pesticide:



It is a non-systemic pyrethroid insecticide that works through contact and ingestion. It has a broad-spectrum effect against various sucking insects such as aphids and whiteflies, as well as against caterpillars, beetles, and other pests on fruit trees, vegetables, potatoes, and field crops like cotton and wheat. It affects different stages of insect life.



*Composition and active ingredient ratio:



It contains 50 grams of lambdacyhalothrin per liter of solution.






The pesticide does not cause phytotoxicity and is tolerated by all crops mentioned in this bulletin under recommended conditions and usage rates.



*Toxicity to bees, birds, and fish:



It is slightly toxic to birds but toxic to fish and bees.



*Toxicity classification according to the World Health Organization (WHO):



It is classified as moderately toxic (Class II)






Compatible with most insecticides and fungicides except for alkaline and sulfur-based ones.



*Pre-harvest interval :



Vegetables have a 7-day interval, and fruit trees have a 14-day interval.



* Note :



A sticking agent should be added when spraying cabbage crops at a rate of 25-50 ml per 100 liters of water. Good coverage should be ensured during the spraying process.



*Local authorization:



For controlling apple fruit worms on apples at a rate of 200 cm³/ha.







usage rate



Tomato, Cucumber, Potato, Cabbage

Leafminer tunnels of tomato, whiteflies, aphids, thrips, tunnel makers, and Cutworms

150-200 milliliters per hectare

Fruit Trees:


Apple, Pear, Grape, Almonds

Fruit worms, Aphids , apple stem borers, thrips, and fruit flies

150-200 milliliters per hectare


Budworms, Aphids, Australian beetles and The hook-tip moth caterpillar


150-200 milliliters per hectare


200 cubic centimeters per hectare


150 cubic centimeters per hectare


250 cubic centimeters per hectare







Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES