Methonyl   90 water-soluble powder                                                                                         




*Pesticide Properties :



A systemic carbamate insecticide that combats a wide range of insects, cutworms, piercing, and sucking insects on a variety of field crops.



*Composition and Active Ingredient Ratio:



Methomyl 90% (weight/weight).






The pesticide does not cause phytotoxicity and is tolerated by all crops mentioned in this leaflet under recommended conditions and rates of use.



*Toxicity Classification according to WHO Standards:



Highly toxic (WHO Class Ib).



*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, and Fish:



The pesticide is extremely toxic to birds, fish, and bees, even if bees graze on flowers previously sprayed.



* Compatibility:



Compatible with most insecticides and fungicides except for alkaline ones.



*Pre-Harvest Interval:


For apples: 14 days


For peaches: 4 days


Onions and garlic: 7 days


Potatoes: 6 days


Grapes, cabbage, tobacco, tomatoes: 1 day


Processed strawberries: 10 days


Cotton: 15 days


Peas, beans, yellow watermelon, cucumber, cauliflower, strawberries: 3 days



*Usage Rate:


For cutworms: 55 - 100 grams/100 liters of water


For sucking insects: 30 - 55 grams/100 liters of water






The list of insects that Methonyl 90 combats

Local registration (zucchini - cucumber)

Cotton aphid on zucchini and cucumber (55 g / 100 liters of water)


Apple aphid, leaf miners, leaf rollers, apple fruitworm


Green peach aphid, fruit fly, lygus bug


Leafworms, clusterworms, grasshoppers, thrips

Fava beans, peas, cowpeas

Leafworms, cutworms, lygus bug, thrips, aphids, grasshoppers, European corn borer, beetles

Cauliflower and cabbage

Cutworms and leafworms


Cutworms and leafworms


Potato tuber moth, grasshoppers, aphids, leafworms


Fruit worms, leafworms, aphids

Yellow watermelon

Cutworms, leafworms, beetles, aphids

Onion and garlic

Cutworms, thrips


Thrips, aphids, lygus bug, worms


Leafworms, Bollworms, lygus bug, aphids, thrips


Leafworms, budworms, aphids






Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES