Grand Max  680 water-soluble granules



*Pesticide properties:



Grand Max is a systemic herbicide used to control annual and perennial weeds (grass, sedges, and broadleaf weeds) in fruit orchards and citrus groves. It is also used in field crops before planting and after harvest. It can be used in pastureland, industrial land, railways, and airports to control both annual and perennial weeds, including hard-to-control species like nutgrass and nutsedge. It is effective against wild eggplant in field peripheries and non-agricultural lands. Due to its high concentration, it is one of the most potent forms of glyphosate for weed control. It is highly effective under various environmental conditions. It is rainfast within one hour after application. It contains a surfactant and a spreading agent in its formulation. It is easy to use and calibrate, and it is very safe for the user. It has very high systemic activity, entering the plant through the leaves immediately after application, moving rapidly within perennial weeds, reaching the root zone within two hours after spraying, and killing them, preventing them from regrowing. It is highly resistant to hard water.



*Composition and Active Ingredient Ratio:



It contains 680 g/kg of glyphosate, equivalent to 747 g/kg of ammonium glyphosate monohydrate salt.






The LD50 for rats orally is 2814 mg/kg and more than 5000 mg/kg dermally for rabbits.



*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, and Fish:



It is slightly toxic to birds and fish and relatively non-toxic to bees.



*Plant Toxicity:



Liquid spray should not reach fruit trees or unwanted plants.



*Pre-Harvest Interval:



When used in field crops before planting, crops can be planted one day after spraying.



*Usage Rates:



1.5-3 kg/ha for controlling annual weeds, preferably sprayed before the weeds become physiologically active. 3-6 kg/ha for controlling perennial weeds, preferably sprayed in two stages: 1- when the new growth reaches 7-15 cm and 2- immediately at flowering because weeds consume the most stored energy in the rhizomes.






It can be sprayed alone or mixed with ammonium sulfate or an adjuvant.





Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES