Gramxol 276 liquid soluble in water
*Pesticide properties :
Gramxol is a general herbicide that eliminates harmful weeds in potato fields before germination. It effectively controls all weeds growing in the soil before planting potatoes exclusively. It can also be sprayed between potato crop rows. Notably, it loses its effectiveness upon contact with the soil. Gramxol should be sprayed on young weeds, and their growth should not exceed 17 cm. Care should be taken not to spray the herbicide or contaminate the green parts of all crop types. It is advisable to cover the cultivated crops before spraying the herbicide to eliminate weeds invading these crops.
*Composition and Active Ingredient Ratio:
Paraquat Dichloride 276 grams per liter (weight/volume).
LD50 oral dose for rats: 220 mg/kg and LD50 dermal dose for rats: 911 mg/kg.
*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, and Fish:
Moderate for fish and birds and non-toxic to bees.
*Toxicity Classification According to World Health Organization Standards:
Moderate toxicity (WHO Class II).
*Usage Rates:
The recommended usage rate for Gramxol herbicide for pre-planting weeds in potato crops exclusively is from 150 to 200 ml per 20 liters of water.
*Mode of Action:
It is a contact herbicide that works by direct contact with weeds.
Compatible with general-use liquid herbicides soluble in water, except for specialized herbicides and alkaline herbicides.
*Local Recommendation:
200 ml per 20 liters of water to control both broadleaf and narrowleaf weeds in potato fields after planting during germination.
Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES