Prince Water-dispersible granules
*Product Characteristics:
It is a fungicide that combats early and late blight as well as powdery mildew.
*Mode of Action:
It is locally and optionally applied, consisting of two active ingredients:
1-Cyamozanil: It has a therapeutic effect.
2-Famoxadone: It has a preventive effect.
*Composition and Active Ingredient Ratio:
Cyamozanil 30%, Famoxadone 22.5%.
The fungicide does not cause phytotoxicity, even if used at double the recommended dose. It is tolerated by all crops mentioned in this leaflet under recommended conditions and usage rates.
*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, and Fish:
Toxic to fish, non-toxic to bees and birds.
*Toxicity Classification According to WHO Standards:
Slightly toxic (WHO Class III).
Compatible with most insecticides and fungicides except alkaline ones and those with sulfur bases.
*Harvest Safety Period:
For grapes: 28 days. For potatoes: 14 days. For tomatoes, lettuce, and cucurbits: 3 days.
*Interval Between Sprays:
10-12 days. In case of rainfall or disease onset, the interval between sprays becomes 7-8 days.
It should be sprayed in the early stages of crop growth before disease symptoms appear in the field.
*Local Recommendation:
For preventive control of late blight on potatoes at a rate of 1.4 kg/ha.
Crop |
Disease |
The usage rate |
Potatoes |
Early and late blight |
40 grams per 100 liters of water |
lettuce |
Powdery mildew and blights |
40 grams per 100 liters of water |
Grapes |
Powdery mildew |
40 grams per 100 liters of water |
Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES