Sulfine  80 Micronized sulfur granules Water dispersible 



*Pesticide Properties:



Sulfine is a micronized sulfur used as a preventive fungicide to protect against fungal diseases. It is sprayed on vegetables, fruit trees, citrus, grapes, and ornamental plants.



*Composition and Active Ingredient Ratio:



Sulfur 80% (weight/weight) with carrier and spreader agents 20%.






The pesticide does not cause phytotoxicity and is tolerated by all mentioned crops under recommended conditions and rates of use. However, caution is advised and testing on a small scale is necessary as some varieties of apricots, lemons, and zucchinis show sensitivity to sulfur.



*Toxicity to Bees, Birds, and Fish:



Toxic to fish and bees, slightly toxic to birds. Do not spray in areas where beehives are present.



* Toxicity Classification according to World Health Organization Standards:



(+ WHO Class III), unlikely to cause any poisoning within the recommended usage rates.






Compatible with some insecticides and fungicides, but a small-scale test should be conducted before mixing. Do not mix with highly alkaline substances. Do not mix with oils and do not spray before or after oil treatments.



*Pre-Harvest Interval:



Harvest can be done after 3 days for vegetables, 15 days for melons, 7 days for apples and peas, and 10-15 days for other crops.







Usage rate per 100 liters of water


Powdery mildew

 spider mites

200-300 grams

300-500 grams


Powdery mildew

 spider mites

200-300 grams

300-500 grams


Powdery mildew

200-300 grams

Citrus fruits

spider mites

300-500 grams


Powdery mildew

 spider mites

200-300 grams

300-500 grams

Ornamental plants

Powdery mildew

200-300 grams






Produced by Modern for plants Protection Company, AGRI PES